Why Turning 40 Changed My Perspective on “Rules”

Why Turning 40 Changed My Perspective on “Rules”

I have always been a rule follower. I have never been comfortable with guidelines or grey areas.  I like rules.  I like the rigidity.  I like the order and structure that rules bring with them and this has served me well in my 40 years.  

How to get a Jumpstart on Fall and Winter Holidays and Any Other Crazy Periods in your Life

How to get a Jumpstart on Fall and Winter Holidays and Any Other Crazy Periods in your Life

The other day my sister Amber, the other half of The Summers Collective, tagged me in a Williams Sonoma post featuring pumpkins.  She was laughing about candy corn already being on the shelves. What I didn’t have the guts to tell her was I had 

Why Your Annual Dermatology Appointment Should Not Be Optional

Why Your Annual Dermatology Appointment Should Not Be Optional

I only recently started going to the dermatologist. I guess it is one of those age things. When you start seeing fine lines and wrinkles that seem to appear overnight, you start worrying about the sun damage from you 20’s catching up with you. I 

A Review of Chalene Johnson’s 131 Method Diet Program

A Review of Chalene Johnson’s 131 Method Diet Program

I don’t know about you but I have struggled with my weight and body image my entire life.  I don’t know if this is something everyone struggles with? Maybe you do too, but at 41 years old, I’m kind of sick of this recurrent theme 

My Brush with Lyme’s Disease

My Brush with Lyme’s Disease

We are outdoorsy people. I work in the yard, the garden and pick blackberries in the woods around our house. We go camping and off-roading on atv’s and go boating. We enjoy getting out in nature. The thought of scary creepy crawling things is always