Month: September 2018

Curried Butternut Squash Soup with Goat Cheese and Coconut Cream

Curried Butternut Squash Soup with Goat Cheese and Coconut Cream

As the garden is winding down, I am enjoying the last crop of winter squash. I have cooked and frozen the spaghetti squash and cubed and frozen the butternut squash. Now I am in the process of working through my favorite soup recipes to make 

Stone Mountain in the Fall – Go See the Snow!

Stone Mountain in the Fall – Go See the Snow!

As many of you know my family lives in Florida.  And while I love everything about my adopted state, I still really miss fall in the midwest even after all of these years in the south.  Most years we travel to my sister’s house in 

Move the Hanger

Move the Hanger

Recently I realized that over the course of a year I had accidentally overhauled and simplified the way my family dealt with laundry. Doing laundry isn’t my favorite thing, but on a whole I don’t mind it.  It’s better than running the vacuum and way 

Roasted Poblano Mexican Rice

Roasted Poblano Mexican Rice

We are heading into the twilight of gardening season. It is a bitter sweet time for me. By now I am getting a little overwhelmed but the endless cycle of weeding, picking and processing the veggies from the garden even though I will glad I 

Crockpot Moroccan Chicken and Potatoes

Crockpot Moroccan Chicken and Potatoes

Just in time for all of those crazy fall schedules, I will be bringing you lots of meals, snack and desserts you can make ahead. I love my trusty crock pot. I try to convert as many recipes as possible to be made in the 

Where to Eat in Bonaire

Where to Eat in Bonaire

With Bonaire being such a small island with very few Resorts and known mostly for its diving, we didn’t expect to find such so many great dining options. Here are a few that we experienced and can recommend. Brass Boer – Best Overall, Best Cocktails 

Why Turning 40 Changed My Perspective on “Rules”

Why Turning 40 Changed My Perspective on “Rules”

I have always been a rule follower. I have never been comfortable with guidelines or grey areas.  I like rules.  I like the rigidity.  I like the order and structure that rules bring with them and this has served me well in my 40 years.  

Dairy-Free Creamy Corn Chowder

Dairy-Free Creamy Corn Chowder

I like to have soup on hand for lunches and too busy to cook nights. So I tend to make my soups in larger batches and freeze the left overs in single serve packets. The trick is to freeze the packets laying flat so you 

Simple Gluten-Free Pie Crust

Simple Gluten-Free Pie Crust

  I haven’t made pie that I could eat since before I went Gluten Free in 2014. Honestly I love to bake. I love pie. The problem was every gluten free lie crust recipe I found was very difficult! It required weighing out various types 

A Week on the Florida Gulf Coast

A Week on the Florida Gulf Coast

I’m a Midwestern expatriate living in Florida.  My husband and I relocated to the Florida Gulf Coast over 15 years ago and I cannot imagine living anywhere else. As adopted Floridians, many of our out of state friends ask us for our recommendations for where