Tag: Old Fashion Recipe

Classic Southern Bourbon Slushies

Classic Southern Bourbon Slushies

Bourbon is a new love here in my house. Sounds kind of crazy since I live in Kentucky, right? Since my BIL introduced us to some killer varieties over Thanksgiving, it has become a “thing” here. So for New Year’s I decided to try out 

Old Fashion Kentucky Butter Cake

Old Fashion Kentucky Butter Cake

Although I did not grow up in the South, I not only live in Kentucky now but I am married to a born and raised Southerner. And not only does he not really love healthy food, he loves his sweets. So even though I may 

Traditional Old Fashion Divinity Candy

Traditional Old Fashion Divinity Candy

I recently started going through my husband’s grandmother’s recipe box. It is chalk full of Old Fashion Cookies, Cakes and Candy’s. Her Fried Chicken recipe was also in there… All of the recipes were written more like reminders to herself vs actual recipes someone else