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Bourbon Glazed Salmon

Bourbon Glazed Salmon

So we are on a bourbon kick here. And since my husband is NOT a fan of salmon, I figured bourbon and brown sugar had to help, right? Well, he is still not a fan of Salmon but he did like the glaze, so that’s 

Basic Breakfast Skillet Potatoes

Basic Breakfast Skillet Potatoes

Basic Recipes are just that. Basics. Recipes that can be easily modified for different versions. Recipes that can be thrown together in a hurry. These are some of the best recipes I have. Takes these basic recipes and make them your own. Breakfast Skillet Potatoes 

8 Tips for Finding the Best Dog Boarding Facility

8 Tips for Finding the Best Dog Boarding Facility

If you are anything like us, your pups are your family. For us, they are like our kids. We literally take them everywhere with us from vacation to camping and on the boat. We rarely go somewhere that they can’t come along. However, there are 

Maple Dijon Baked Chicken

Maple Dijon Baked Chicken

Like most, come January I am ready to get back to healthier eating. I have had my fill of treats and sweets and loaded up on carbs through the holidays. I refuse, however, to fall into the trap of lettuce and chicken and crazy restrictive 

Classic Southern Bourbon Slushies

Classic Southern Bourbon Slushies

Bourbon is a new love here in my house. Sounds kind of crazy since I live in Kentucky, right? Since my BIL introduced us to some killer varieties over Thanksgiving, it has become a “thing” here. So for New Year’s I decided to try out 

Lemony  Kale Salad

Lemony Kale Salad

I love kale. I grow it in my garden in the summer, eat it in my omelets, salads and smoothies. But this Lemony Kale Salad is the best kale recipe in my opinion. You can eat this as a side dish, on its own or 

Old Fashion Kentucky Butter Cake

Old Fashion Kentucky Butter Cake

Although I did not grow up in the South, I not only live in Kentucky now but I am married to a born and raised Southerner. And not only does he not really love healthy food, he loves his sweets. So even though I may 

Easy Flank Steak Fajitas

Easy Flank Steak Fajitas

Most of my go meals aren’t what most would have recipes. Most can be thrown together pretty quickly and don’t need any ingredients that I don’t typically already have on hand. Since they typically are a protein and veggie they qualify as easily qualify as 

Bring it on January 2019!

Bring it on January 2019!

I have a love hate relationship with January. On one hand, it is offers a clean slate, a time to reset. But on the other hand, it is a clean slate. Accomplishments from 2018 are old news and we each have to accomplish all new 

Gluten Free Christmas Cake

Gluten Free Christmas Cake

Is there anything more christmas-y than gingerbread? When we were kids we always made gingerbread cookies. In fact, we still have the original cookie cutter from when we were kids. The recipe my mom had made 4 dozen cookies! So by the time we were